29 Oct One Glass Wharf | Burges Salmon Building Bristol
This commercial property photographic commission originally came from King Sturge, now Jones Lang Lasalle, to provide photography for the investment brochure. The building was designed by Stride Treglown, architects who I often work for but not on this occasion. A copy of the final brochure can be downloaded here and a few pages from the brochure are included below.
Subsequently commissions followed for part of the building not occupied by Burges Salmon Solictors. These commissions came from Kubiak Creative for two floors available to let and secondly Hollister Design for The West Wing brochure. The last two internal photos shown in the slideshow above are from the later commission.
At the time of the initial photography on site the building was nearing completion but not sufficiently complete as is often the case with last minute snagging and remedial work going on at or immediately before hand-over or Practical Completion Photoshop is a wonderful tool to remove trailing power leads, ladders and even skips! The camera never lies. Well I amafraid that sometimes it certainly does.
Lastly images were supplied to ETAP Lighting, manufacturers of the luminaires throughout the building